Getting Started with Rails and Ruby Applications

Its an easy, two step process to get started with Dynoscale.

Install the Agent Gem

In your development environment add gem 'dynoscale_ruby' to your Gemfile. Then run bundle install. If you are running a non-Rails Rack based Ruby app follow the instructions in the Gem documentation. Finally, deploy your application to Heroku. Once fully deployed, make a http/https request to your webserver to start the measurement process.

Install Addon

There are two ways to install the addon. If you are comfortable with the heroku CLI run heroku addons:create dscale. Next, run heroku addons:open dscale to launch your Dynoscale Dashboard.

Alternatively, you can navigate to the Resource tab of your Heroku application. Scroll down to the Addon section and type dynoscale. Select your desired plan type and click on the "Submit Order Form" button.

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