Starting today, Dynoscale users can now connect their Heroku Rails/Ruby applications to the Dynoscale Heroku Addon. This is now possible with the launch of version 1.0.1 of the new Rails/Ruby agent. It will seamlessly ship request queuing data to Dynoscale servers allowing for efficient dyno auto scaling based on real user traffic.
Dynoscale is smarter than Heroku's default scaling options and was built to help you save money. The core principle of Dynoscale is that Request Queuing is a better metric than Request Latency. Request queuing is the time spent doing everything for a request except executing your application's business logic. This means that intentionally long running code flows doesn't trigger a false positive auto scale event. This means that your Application will only auto scale when your current dyno count cannot handle user traffic.
In addition to web auto scaling, Dynoscale's Rails/Ruby agent monitors worker processes queue latency. At this time Sidekiq and Resque gems are supported. Simply add the gem to your project, deploy the application and Dynoscale will ship Worker data. You can monitor and independently scale your worker dynos based on queue latency.
To get started, follow the instructions outlined here in our knowledge base.

heroku addons:create dscale